Style Me Pretty Likes Us - Feature for Destination Wedding
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SMP Likes Us!

Style Me Pretty Feature

SMP Likes Us!

Style Me Pretty likes us, they really like us!  We are so happy to be featured in one of Style Me Pretty’s most recent blog posts.  A fantastic wedding with an amazing couple!!!! They were not only a lovely couple, they were fun, wonderful people…and this is why I do what I do, to create beautiful events, attention given to the smallest detail, and to turn “clients” into friends!

Perennial Weddings has been in business for a few years now, and we have received recognition here and there, but Style Me Pretty, is up there, as we know.  If you don’t know, its a pretty special thing to have a blog published by them and to be featured, so this was a wonderful experience to have our wedding and pictures featured on their site.  Sylvia Guardia always does such a wonderful job, she is a fantastic photographer and not one is she that, but she is a lovely person, making her wonderful to work with!

Thanks again Style Me Pretty!  And best wishes and love to the couple!

Style Me Pretty