Costa Rica Weddings | Perennial Weddings
Ever thought about having a Costa Rica wedding? Get married in paradise & Let us plan the perfect Costa Rica beach wedding for you. Inquire now for more info.
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Costa Rica Weddings

Active volcanoes, endless beaches, lush rainforests, impressive waterfalls, incredible surf, the list of sites in Costa Rica is endless! Your Costa Rica wedding is guaranteed to be a fun time and full of adventure!


Costa Rica was recently rated the happiest country in the world! It’s no wonder, because of the peaceful, simple, healthy lives everyone lives. It’s really a melting pot of Costa Ricans, Ex-Pats, Canadians, French, Italian, Israeli, Argentinian, German (the list could go on) all coming together to live their lives.


Costa Rica, in recent years, has become a tourist destination. It covers only .03% of the globe but houses 6% of the existing biodiversity in the entire world, making it very popular for eco-tourism.


Costa Rica beach weddings are a favorite amongst many brides! Beach weddings set the perfect venue with lush jungles that roll up to the white sandy beaches with turquoise & deep blue hues and beaming sunshine or spectacular sunsets!


Costa Rica is located 12 degrees north of the equator, not far, as it feels the tropical climates year-round. Due to its closeness to the equator the sun is very strong, we recommend always wearing sunscreen, no matter the weather or season. Temperatures will vary slightly during Costa Rica’s two seasons, dry and rainy. On the west coast, dry season, known as summer, is from December through April, while rainy season, known as winter, is May through November. Low-lying regions are around 81 °F (27 °C) year-round, while the more mountainous regions can get as low as 50 °F (10°C). The above explanation of seasons goes for most of Costa Rica, however, Limon, which is on the east coast, is quite different. Limon’s drier months are February and March, and September and October, the later being the driest. In Limon, rain peaks in December and July, receiving an average of 16 inches of rain.


For more information on various towns in Costa Rica, please select the links below:



Manuel Antonio


Mal Pais