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Design inspiration Tag

Terri & Troy ~ Love and Family in Tamarindo

A Tamarindo Wedding is what love is made of. It's hard to find the words to say what this kind of wedding makes one feel, but it's touching to see a couple share their wedding vows with their children present. Terri and Troy...

Style Me Pretty Feature

SMP Likes Us!

Style Me Pretty likes us, they really like us!  We are so happy to be featured in one of Style Me Pretty's most recent blog posts.  A fantastic wedding with an amazing couple!!!! They were not only a lovely couple, they were fun, wonderful people...

    Erin & Jason

    Erin and Jason were an exception to the norm.  Very very relaxed, along with their family, from start to finish.  They were a delight.  From perfectly simple beach ceremony to classic family dinner on the beach at Langosta Beach Club.  It was all about the...

      Kim & Dale

      So much love a wedding brings together!  You can feel it and see it!    Venue: Cala Luna Boutique Hotel, Wedding Coordinating:  Perennial Weddings, Design:  Kristina of Perennial Weddings, Flowers: Floristeria Ocasiones, Photography:  Costa Vida Photography, Cake: Victoria Zoch...

        Jessica & Eric

        A sweet wedding in Langosta between a lovely couple with their closest friends and family!  Lots of laughs and smiles.  You can not ask for more!    Design:  Kristina of Perennial Weddings, Flowers:  Floristeria Ocasiones, Rentals: 419, Cake:  Victoria Zoch, Photography:  Costa Vida...

          Jimilee & Daniel

          Just a small, intimate wedding on a private beach and a reception under the stars.  Jimilee and Daniel were just happy to be in Costa Rica with their closest family and friends, celebrating their marriage, just a few months before the arrival of their first...

          Behind the Scenes – 21 of November, 2015

          The biggest wedding Perennial Weddings has done to date! One hundred and forty one people at Reserva Conchal.  It was fantastic.  Aside from some rain, which is good luck, if you didn't know, everything went swimmingly!  We can attribute that to good planning, a wonderful bride...

          Holiday Nuptial Design Inspiration

          For those of us from cooler climates (I'm from Maryland), we can have a hard time imagining the holidays without snow, scarves, hot chocolate, ever greens, and holly.  However, a beachy, tropical wedding, can feel just as cozy and inviting.  This is the inspiration board...