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Tamarindo Costa Rica Tag

Terri & Troy ~ Love and Family in Tamarindo

A Tamarindo Wedding is what love is made of. It's hard to find the words to say what this kind of wedding makes one feel, but it's touching to see a couple share their wedding vows with their children present. Terri and Troy...

Real Tamarindo Wedding ~ Luke & James

Where to even begin with Luke and James' real Tamarindo wedding!?!? I guess you could begin with the immense gratitude and love you feel from the moment you meet them and their friends and family.  We had only ever spoken on the phone, and that was...

Real Costa Rica Wedding ~ Terri & Troy

This Real Costa Rica Wedding of Terri and Troy was a beautiful joining of families.  They asked for a private beach where Troy's parents, and Terri's three kids could witness their marriage.  We found that private beach in Langosta, Tamarindo, Costa Rica.  Every conversation we...

Style Me Pretty Feature

SMP Likes Us!

Style Me Pretty likes us, they really like us!  We are so happy to be featured in one of Style Me Pretty's most recent blog posts.  A fantastic wedding with an amazing couple!!!! They were not only a lovely couple, they were fun, wonderful people...

    Wedding Adventure

    Crossing a River for an Adventurous Wedding.  Jessica and Boris were married across the estuary in Tamarindo...