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perennial weddings Tag

Kim & Dale

Kim and Dale, a lovely and very appreciative couple, got married on the beach with their children, in a private ceremony.  It was lovely, romantic, and emotional.  Congratulations!  So happy to have been a part of this. Venue: Cala Luna Boutique Hotel, Wedding Coordinating:  Perennial Weddings, Design:  Kristina of Perennial...

Behind the Scenes – 21 of November, 2015

The biggest wedding Perennial Weddings has done to date! One hundred and forty one people at Reserva Conchal.  It was fantastic.  Aside from some rain, which is good luck, if you didn't know, everything went swimmingly!  We can attribute that to good planning, a wonderful bride...

Liz & Kevin

Liz and Kevin are in love.  They wanted simple, beautiful and fun.  A beautiful ceremony, by one of our favorite officiants and a great location was all they needed!  Congratulations you two!  So happy we could be part of your wedding! ...

Hannah & Shaun

Australians planning a wedding in Costa Rica.  This is a first for me.  Lots of early morning calls for me, and late nights for them.  All worth it in the end.  Hannah and Shaun were a pleasure.  They both have fabulous taste and great ideas,...

Shelby & Ryan

Ryan and Shelby, married on March 22, 2014, on the beach at Cala Luna in Tamarindo.  They were a lovely bride and groom.  All they wanted was a special moment with their close family and friends.  That they had.  A very intimate wedding and a...

Surfing Tamarindo

Look at us!  We are in the top 50 surf spots in the world, says CNN Travel.  And if you take it from myself, and any other avid surfer, you will know that Tamarindo, is really ONE of COUNTLESS surf spots, for beginners to advanced...

Etsy Wedding Dresses

I imagine we all know  If not, let me describe it for you.  Etsy is more or less an online "craft fair", where you can purchase handmade and vintage items, craft supplies, and food, among other things.  These items are sold directly from the...

We’ve Been Spotted

We've been spotted in the FIRST edition of Destination W magazine, as one of the "Wedding Planners We Love."  Super happy to share this!   Thanks Destination W! ...

Alyson & Craig

Alyson and Craig were married on April 13, 2013 in Arenal.  They had a vision, they knew how they wanted things, which is wonderful, because oh-so-often us coordinators hear, "I want something with a view, the color purple, and steak."  Not literally this, but we...

Destination Wedding Coordinator

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